
The name “Cracking Art” comes from the English verb “to crack”, which express the state of being split, broken, cracked, or crashed.
This catalytic cracking, as the name suggests, is also the term for the chemical reaction that occurs when converting raw crude oil into plastic. For the artists, it represents the instant when something natural becomes artificial and is the reason why they seek to seize that very moment in their art form.

Cracking is the process needed to transform petroleum into virgin naphtha, which is the basis for many products of synthesis; for example plastic.
Cracking is the gap of the contemporary man, struggling between primary naturalness and a future that is becoming more and more artificial.

Plastic has its roots in a millenary tradition of civilization, in a huge and deep cultural evolution that links together the human being, artificial creation and the environment. In a certain sense, “cracking” could be considered as a conceptual formula used to challenge the rules of contemporary art.

Cracking is the process that turns the natural artificial, the organic synthetic. A dramatic process, if not controlled, and a split that places us all in the face of new realities.

The choice of regenerated and regenerable plastic for its aesthetic appeal shows acceptance of the inevitability of our world becoming increasingly artificial. The artworks are designed to inspire a community-wide conversation about the importance and the environmental impact of regeneration while leaving a potent artistic trace in the communities we live in.

The artworks are designed to inspire a community-wide conversation about the anthropic effect on the natural environment through engaging performative projects in which out-of-scale installations- such as the worldwide known coloured animals- invade all kind of spaces, from those that are normally dedicated to art exhibit to then appear unexpectedly in everyday places.

Regenerated plastic removes it from its toxic role in nature, and communicates, through an unconventional language, the importance of paying strong attention to our planet.